

时间:2024-02-21 WAP浏览

自动检测设备发现作系统,并安装 Citrix Receiver 产品软件 截至2018 年 8 月,Citrix Workspace 应用程序已替代 Citrix Receiver。 Citrix Workspace 应用程序是来自

Citrix Receiver lets you access your enterprise files, applications, and desktops to help you be as

7天前 - Citrix Receiver provides remote access to your XenApp app’s, docs and desktops.If your company uses Citrix to ho


4天前 - Receiver接收方式多个Receiver接受数据效率高,但有丢失数据的风险开启日志(WAL)可防止数据丢失,但写两遍数据效率低。Zookeeper维护offset有重复消费数据可能。使用高层次

Download Citrix Receiver product software, SDKs, sources, betas and tech previews. End users looking for any type of client software should start here.

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