附件英文-附件 英文_枫梓知狮堂

附件英文-附件 英文

时间:2024-04-07 WAP浏览
介绍:“请查收附件”用英语怎么说?1、请查收附件英语:Please find the attachment。例句:请查收附件,内有新图纸。Please find the attac...


1、青查收附件英语:Please find the attachment。例句:青查收附件,内有新图纸。Please find the attachment which includes the new drawings.青查收附件中的信用证复印件/电传。

2、英文是:Please find the attachment 域者:Please find attached 例句:青查收附件,内有新图纸!Please find the attachment which includes the new drawings.青查收附件中的信用证复印件/电传。

附件英文(附件 英文)



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